Hello! Welcome to my super awesome and cool website. This is the terminally online equivalent to a diary so if you enjoy reading about strangers on the internet you'll love it here. If you got here trying to play Friday Night Funkin mods, skill issue.
I've worked on and off on this for like three years, originally it was me trying to copy Daniel's Virtual Place but now it's more like an imbred distant relative. At this point its more like an amalgam of sites I like, but aren't we all? Hopefully the longer it lasts the more distinct the style will become. All the code is public and you're free to use it though it probably wasn't even mine in the first place.
To travel around my webpage use the navigation bar on the right or click links to view every page!!
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<a href="https://moosyu.nekoweb.org/"><img src="https://moosyu.nekoweb.org/assets/button.png" alt="moosyus awesome button"></a>
Are you a dickhead?